Crypto Coin Of The Future

Clapcoin is tradable only via our platform for the purchase of assets, goods, services, and defi packages.

About Clapcoin Liquidity?

Our liquidity reserves did not stem from a presale market but from founder based capital which makes our project more trust worthy. The total market cap will also keep gaining strength owing to our buyback and burn mechanism


Our Market Offering

crypto coin trading

Buy or Sell Clapmi

Clapmi is tradable only via our platform for the purchase of assets, goods, services and defi packages.

crypto currency

Swap With Other Coins

Clapcoin can be sent out of our platform to other custodial wallets/exchanges and can be swapped or traded by our Exchanging partnered platforms CEX/DEX

crypto coin staking

Swap Trade Features

Clapmi can be swapped only via our platform to any of the stipulated cryptocurrencies such as Clapcoin, usdt, bnb and other altcoins supported via our platform

Trade/Swap To Clapcoin

Clapcoin can be swapped only via our platform to any of the stipulated cryptocurrencies such as Clapcoin, usdt, bnb and other altcoins supported via our platform

Why Trade Clapcoin?

Higher Returns on Investment With Clapcoin

Clapcoin is the native/governance token of Clapmi ecosystem which is tradable on Dex, Cex as well as via our platform. It is a Market ready currency due to our social platform traffic drive which provides a spontaneous marketing force for the utilities and bullish market advantage of the cryptocurrency

Clapcoin Staking

Clapmi can be staked via our platform and also offers the opportunity to earn a higher ROI instead of just swapping to other supported currencies.


Trading: Why Trade Clapcoin

swap clapcoin with other coins


Users may earn Clapcoin in bits by utilizing the Clapmi social networking hub on a regular basis. The more views, likes, and comments an user can receive on a video, post, or pictures, the quicker they may acquire Clapcoin.


Users earn Clapcoin in this medium by staking their own Clapcoin bag, and how much Clapcoin a user can make is also determined by the number of coins staked in the Staking pool; there is no limit to how much can be made or earned through this medium.

withdraw usdt


Every Clapcoin owner will receive USDT automatically delivered to their wallet from the owned 5% at the end of the year. The quantity of USDT customers will get will be determined by the number of CLAPCOINS they possess at the end of the year. Leading to clapcoin value increasde through market scarcity and liquidity of Clapcoin.

Benefits of Trading Clapcoin?

Scalability & Security

Clapcoin thrive on a Bsc Blockchain network with high scalability which affords for thousands of transaction per seconds.

It is also highly secure owing to our socially available utility approach
in which case, no single user is unidentified due to the prior KYC before users can gain accessibility to some of the most notable social media usecase of our platform


Clap To Earn

You can earn Clapmi in monetary value by participating in any of our social activities which recognizes members as clappers and effectively grants members with ideas and impactful contributions a reward in our platform monetary value known as Clapmi



RoadMap of Clapcoin

July 5
clapcoin logo
Clapcoin is born

registering clapcoin in crypto market place

February 2
clapmi clapcoin
Clapcoin marketplace enlistment

Buying & swaping clapcoin

January 31
crypto currency clapcoin
Amazon acquires Audible

Building crypto of the future

Reach Out To Us

If you have any questions, reach out to us let’s help you get started.